Thursday, October 18, 2007

No More Monkeys!

As of last night, we have a new rule at our house. No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Yesterday, I had two monkeys jumping on my bed and then I heard some strange loud crunching noises. No, no bones were broken. But the box spring was broken in several places! Apparently all those parents out there are right! I didn't think you could really break a bed by jumping on it, but apparently you can! Our bed ended up being one very expensive toy! Luckily we had another queen sized bed in one of the extra bedrooms that we use for guests and we were able to swap out the box springs temporarily.

Here is a picture I took of some of their moves:

Pretty talented, huh? Quite the moves.

Now you might think I am referring to two kids like Caleb-sized that don't know any better than to jump on a bed. But here are the guilty monkeys. :)

Yes, that's right. Chris was showing Caleb how to use our bed as a full on trampoline.

We've been wanting to get a king size bed for awhile now, but we just couldn't justify it because our bed was still in great shape. I accused Chris of breaking the bed purposefully to ensure that we get a new bed soon, but he denies it. So I guess, in all was a bit lucky. Because now we have an excuse to buy a new bed.

Bottom line...does anyone have a recommendation on a good place to buy a good bed?


The Kerr Family said...

Krista, that's hilarious! We want a new bed too, maybe I'll have Eric and the boys jump on our bed.

And, that post about the spider is just awful. I would have passed out. That spider was moving fast to get that work done so quickly. Well done Chris in disposing of it so you didn't have to.

Jamie Smith said...

I like y'all motto of "if you break it we will just have to buy a new one." I just didn't realize you were so serious. Paul is gone this weekend so maybe I'll practice my somersaults on it. I can't wait till we graduate to a king size bed!

That's too funny! The monkey's looked really guilty!

The Shirleys said...

I don't think I will tell Andy about this story. We have the same problem, Andy wants a king size and I won't get one because our queen is still fine. While Chris may not have broke your bed on purpose I wouldn't put it passed Andy and our little monkeys to do it on purpose.

There is a Denver Mattress over by Ingram Park Mall. They have some good sales sometimes and they guy there was really open and honest when we asked him questions about matresses. Good Luck!

Rachel said...

Jed and I bought our new bed at JCPenny. We love it.

The Blaisdell Family said...

Yeah, those little "monkeys" look really sad about breaking the bed:)

We have the same rule: You break, you buy a new one. I love it!!!

Chrissy said...

That is so funny!