Thursday, November 15, 2007

A New Use for Duct Tape

So, we have a new use for duct tape at our house.

Here's the background. Caleb does not like to take his naps. He will play in his bed with only his blanket and pillow and imagination FOREVER! I put him in his bed all drowsy and tired and I think...ok, today he is exhausted. He really is going to go right to sleep today. Yeah right! The minute I leave, he runs, and laughs, and plays, and jumps, and does headstands, and somersaults, and sprints from one end of his crib to the other. Anything but go to sleep.

He recently added a new trick to his "nap time" fun. He has figured out how to remove his pants and diaper and pee all over. Very nice.

The other day we were watching a little friend and I put them both down for a nap in rooms next door to each other. I went to check on our little friend and realized he had a blow out diaper. Poo all over. Sorry...I know...another poo story...but it seems to be a theme in our life right now. Anyway...I was cleaning him up and realized I needed some clean clothes. So I went to get some of Caleb's clothes. I went into Caleb's room, and there is Caleb, naked from the waist down in his crib, peeing all over his pillow and blanket which he had thrown on the floor. It's like Caleb and his friend talked to each other through the wall and said, "Ready, Set, Go!!" Very cool.

It used to just be at nap time. Now it has evolved into other times as well. Like the other day, I was in the kitchen and Caleb walks in with diaper in hand like, "Look mom...haha! You thought it was only at nap time, but I manage any time of day! Look what I can do!!"

So anyway, back to the duct tape. Several people have suggested using duct tape on his diaper so he can't undo it. So, we tried that out the last few days and it works great! Until today. I went to check on Caleb who is "taking a nap" a.k.a. playing in his crib. And what do I see this time?!? A completely naked Caleb, peeing on the floor. Somehow he managed to get his pants and shirt off, undo the duct tape, and the diaper sticky thingys, and remove it all. I went in his room and he is clapping and pointing at his work like, "Look, mom! Isn't that cool!" I was trying really hard to say "NO!" in a stern way, but I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't believe he managed to get that duct tape off! I have a hard time getting it off! So I'm sure I've only made it worse by laughing, but I really couldn't help it! This time I put duct tape on thicker. We'll see if it works. It's too early to say if duct tape has saved the day this time.

If you have any other great ideas besides duct tape, let us know! We could use them! :)


JoEllen said...

Are you withholding names on purpose? Whose kid would visit your house and poop all over? Rude little kid!!! I've heard you have to WRAP the duct tape around the diaper. All the way around, not just over the tabs. How do you get it off? You cut it. Good luck with that. :)

The Shirleys said...

I must say Caleb is very talented!! We put Onesies on Bradley. He hasn't figured out how to unsnap it at the crotch yet. Good Luck!!

The Shirleys said...

So I commented on your blog and then on Monday night Bradley starts yelling for me down the hall. (I put a gate in the doorway so he can't get out.) "Mommy, Mommy! Diaper!" I went back to his room to keep him from waking Daniel up and he is standing there naked from the waist down, holding a clean diaper, right next to a small puddle of pee!

I gotta quit reading other peoples blogs and laughing at them! Caleb and Bradley must have had a talk in nursery about this no diaper peeing thing.

Lyssa Beth said...

Ok seriously, Emma is the queen of being curious when her diaper..and has been for awhile. Our solution? We stick her in onesies everyday during nap times so she can't penetrate anything down least Caleb's problem is pee...Emma's was poop every time! So try the onesies with'll work, I promise!

Rachel said...

I can't wait for Caleb to teach Nolan all of his little tricks.

Michelle Cox said...

Ha! That's hilarious! Not fun to clean up, but very funny. He wants to potty train in his own way, I guess!

Rachel said...

Is this what I can expect Caleb to teach Nolan? I can't wait. That is too funny.

Anonymous said...

I was telling my girlfriend about this blog at lunch, and had a similar experience when her kids were young (they are 23 & 24 now, but I don't think elimination techniques have changed much since then). Her daughter started taking off her diaper as soon as they got home, and poo on the carpet. After 4 consecutive days, she called her Mother for advice. Her advice? Get a potty chair, strip her down, and sit her on it when you get home from work. Sure enough, she poo'd in the toy-t.

It worked out well for another reason. Her son, who was 10 1/2 months older than her daugher had shown no interest in the potty chair, that is, until his sister sat down and used it. She said from that point forward, they fought over who got to use it, and who got to dump it. LOL!