Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sesame Street Live

Another very busy, but very fun week. Here is one highlight:

Since we always drag Caleb with us to all the things that we want to do, we decided it was Caleb's turn. We took Caleb to see Sesame Street Live. Sesame Street is the only show Caleb will really watch for more than thirty seconds. Every morning after his breakfast he rushes to the living room to sit on his Elmo chair and asks to watch Sesame Street. So needless to say, Caleb LOVED the live show!

This particular show was called "Elmo Makes Music." Which was perfect because there was lots of singing and dancing and Caleb had a great time joining in. We ended up with front row tickets, so the stage was only a couple feet away. So Caleb got to shake hands and give fives to most of the characters. We had so much fun!! It's funny how our sense of fun has changed since we had Caleb--now the most fun we have is when Caleb is having so much fun and is laughing and singing and dancing and just squealing with delight!

Here are some pictures of our fun adventure:

Chris and Caleb checking out the show. As a side note, the usher in the background was a little bit grumpy. We didn't realize we weren't supposed to be taking any video. We were taking video on and off--then when it was almost over he came over and told us "No video!" in a not so nice way. Oops! :)

Here's Caleb and Chris in front of the stage--with Caleb showing off his spoils. See the big ol' Elmo balloon? He got that during intermission and then they told everyone to put their balloons under their seats. Um, hello? What kid wants to get a balloon and then put it under their chair? Especially a chair that isn't big enough to put a big ol' Elmo balloon under! Kind of funny. :)

I forget this character's name. I didn't get a very good picture of it, but she stole Chris's hat and danced around in the show with it for awhile and then came back and put it on Caleb.

Caleb and his pals:


The Blaisdell Family said...

I love any of those live show or "on ice" shows. I remember going to those as a kid and also on dates. So yeah, I know adults can fun there too. That's cool you got front row seats. What kid wouldn't love that?? And you weren't spoiling him, he's too young for that anyway (at least that's my opinion!) He's only this little for so long. I'm glad you guys had so much fun. And it's true, kids keep us young because we are truly happy when thay are!!

Jamie Smith said...

How fun! That's what is so nice about regular cameras now is that they take video too, so if your aloud to take pictures then that means video too!

Thats so true though, when Eric is having fun, so are we!

Jami Black said...

How cool! I love going to live shows (I loved going to the on ice ones when I was younger). Caleb looks so cute in the last picture-he looks like he is holding the character's arm.