Monday, August 13, 2007

7 Random Facts About Me

So Jamie tagged me to post seven random facts about goes!

1. I've been skydiving (some friends and I went the weekend before finals in college--we went the weekend before so we wouldn't waste our time studying if something happened :)

2. I've had someone's tooth come out in my head--hey, how many people can say that?!? (In a soccer game in high school, this girl went up for a head ball too late and came down and hit her mouth on my head...I'm still not sure how it happened exactly, but all I know is it hurt really bad!)

3. There are apparently a lot of Krista-look-alikes running around the world. People come up to me all the time and say, "Mary!" or "Jane?" I'm like, " luck next time?" And then they tell me, "Wow! You look just like a friend of mine...." That and people tell me ALL the time that they think they know me from somewhere.... Probably not. Probably just know a Krista-look-alike.

4. When I had Caleb, I only had to push through 2-3 contractions. My doctor told me during the first one to "not push so hard." Huh?

5. I've been on tv before. Anyone heard of the Uncle Al Show? Oh yeah, big time stuff.

6. I love to smack talk opposing fans at any sports venue. Or in my home with BYU or Texas fans.

7. I once made a 45 minute drive each direction for a slurpy run. I had a friend who hated the music I had on in my car and was giving me a hard time about it. She even tried to jump out of my car when we were near our apartment. Sooooooo, I turned around before she could get out and decided to drive from Logan to Brigham City to "get a slurpy" just so she would have to listen to it for an hour and a half of pure fun for me. Yes, there were plenty of slurpies available in Logan, but I wanted one from Brigham City. Funny enough, the slurpy machine was broken when we got to Brigham City.

Ok, so I guess the "rules" say I'm supposed to tag 7 people now. So I'm going to tag:
1. Rachel
2. Jazmin
3. Lyssa
4. Chrissy (because I think it's hilarious when everyone teases you and tells you to GET A BLOG!)
5. Hillery (see explanation for Chrissy)
6. Jami (see explanation for Hillery)
7. Anyone else who is reading this

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